Maize Pages

What is Maize Pages?

Each recognized club has a webpage on UM Involvement’s Maize Pages site. This website allows you to search organizations, see when meetings or events are held and join groups. Beyond that, Maize Pages allows student leaders to manage their organization. Part of the club approval process is to re-register your organization.

Login to the Maize Pages to view the How-To Guide for Student Leaders:

Process for Re-Recognition

  1. The President/leader of the organization for the new year will need to login to Maize Pages. They must be a member on the current roster.
  2. Go to the “Organizations” tab. Select the organization you need to register.
  3. Click on the blue registration band button found below your organization’s name.
  4. Upload your constitution following the instructions.
  5. Follow the step-by-step registration instructions.
    1. Note: Many of the steps only require you to read and agree to the content. However, it is important that you complete all steps and submit all of the requested information. If you do not do so, your club will not be approved by CCI.
  6. Upon approval, new members will be sent an email to confirm their membership in the organization. These members will need to log into Maize Pages to confirm this addition; 10 must do so to be officially recognized as a club by CCI.
  7. After submitting the registration, you will receive a message to delegate three authorized signers to have access to SOAS. All authorized signers need to complete the Org Essential Training to gain access to your SOAS account.
    1. Authorized signers must accept this role.
    2. All authorized signers must complete an online training (also available in person).